Hoje li isto: 'Take chances... a lot of them. Because honestly, no matter where you end up - and with who, it always ends up just the way it should be. Your mistakes make you who you are... you learn and grow with each choice you make. Everything is worth it. say how you feel - always . Be you, and be okay with it. It doesn't matter what any other person thinks.'
... e ouvi isto: 'Can you wait there for so long? Can you be there if I fall? Can you fall and stay strong? Can you dry your eyes and laugh? Can you show me your heart once more? Can you breath a new life now? Can I freeze this moment with you? Can my hand fix your heart and you? Did you ever touch the ground? Can we sing 'out of time' in repeat, and look both of us underneath or forget and reset? Cause the beat will change your life, and the sweat will turn you on, and your veins will shine outside!'